Attention Advanced and Professional Communicators:

If you have chosen this work as your career path, and you want to be more proficient with your communication (and healing) abilities so you get better results... then THIS is for you.

For professional communicators (or students who want to "go pro" as your career path), having access to high level advanced training, continuous support from a community of like minded people, and personal guidance from a world renowned expert coach and mentor, makes all the difference in the world.

If you want to improve your income from your services, and add to your skills "toolkit" so you get better results from your work, then this is what you've been looking for.

Advanced students and professionals train with me to gain that “extra edge” by developing more than just the 'average' intuitive skills.

Because that's what the Heart Wisdom Methods are all about.

You know you can do better. BE better. You want more.

This is why I've dedicated so much of my life, education and training learning about helping people heal (45+ years), healing, and teaching so I can guide YOU to be the best you can possibly be.

You won't find this level of training anywhere else and it's only available in The Heart School and the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club®.

The Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club® Advanced and Professionals Platinum membership is the most affordable way to receive advanced expert training, continuous community with like minded people, great opportunities to practice communicating so you can receive the proper feedback to know when you're doing it right - and when you're making mistakes with your practice - is the BEST way to grow your confidence, proficiency, and accuracy.

You'll get immediate access to our extensive Heart Wisdom Masterclass collection in our "Treasure Vault" library where you'll find training on a wide variety of important topics from helping shelter, rescues, foster and abused animals, to learning advanced healing techniques, to finding lost animals, to time travel and trauma PTSD healing, to working with karma and soul contracts, to working with past lives, and more.

You'll discover how to handle your feelings and heal from your own inner wounds so you aren't triggered causing you to misinterpret animal messages.

Inside you'll also learn how to solve animal behavior, health, and training problems.

You'll know how to prepare animals to make their transition, then reconnect with them in spirit, and even know when it's time for them to reincarnate so you can find them again.

Platinum members also receive training in Heart Wisdom healing methods to help animals feel better when they get hurt, are in pain or are ill, and yes, that includes your own personal healing too, so you don't filter messages through your own wounds.

Your accuracy rates will improve dramatically, and you won't ever feel "walled off" or stuck, blocked or limited again.

You'll also learn how to develop ALL your intuitive abilities that go far beyond the basic 4 "Clairs", created especially for animal communicators.

You'll get to participate in live monthly Q&A Coaching Calls and live new Masterclasses too.

You can start right away with immediate access.

There are no long-term commitments either so stay as long as you like and drop out when you're ready.

What do Platinum members Say?

Lee said, "What I discovered as a Platinum Club Member was a whole new world of info that was more exciting than I could even imagine. That first week I listened to 7 Masterclasses! I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Trust me, Val’s Library is amazing. For me there was no turning back. Try the one month thing and evaluate it for yourself."

Penny said, "Wow. So much to be grateful for. I am celebrating this amazing community that I have recently joined. So encouraging and uplifting to be with others who are on the same page when it comes to this skill, and gifts we are developing.

The masterclasses have changed the way I do ALL my communication sessions. The depth and variety of the questions that Val presents have opened my mind to a much broader scope of communicating."

Sue said, "I signed up in October and I am just a beginner, but have loved every minute of it."

Krys said, "Thank you for all of your teachings. Your knowledge is breathtaking and I love having this opportunity to expand as a direct result of it!"

Nita said, “I’m so grateful for the incredible resources / Masterclass Series recordings…. totally spoilt for choice! I enjoyed the 3 classes on the paranormal, and have started on the Advanced Healing Techniques … going through them once before I go back to make notes… then I’m eager to move onto the others!”

Tricia said, "I stumbled on your site through a list of animal communicators. Some held occasional live classes, others had recorded classes but no one else offered a live school. After taking two short term classes, I knew I needed an ongoing community to hone my skills. Your School provides that and so much more. I continue to be amazed at the depth and breadth of the information provided."
Because When You Master Your Animal Communication Intuitive and Healing Skills, You'll Feel Fantastic, Confident, and Accurate Being the Bridge Between Animals and the People Who Love Them.

As a professional practitioner, improving your proficiency and adding unique skills to your animal talk toolkit means you can charge more for your services too.

Stronger intuitive abilities, more confidence, and better accuracy and proficiency means you can help a lot more animals!

If you've ever wanted to get a peek behind the scenes and discover what it's like to be an expert animal communicator with 30+ years of experience, Platinum Membership is where it's at.

With Val's intensive advanced training and coaching, you could quickly go from an amateur animal talking hobbyist to a professional that commands $75 to $100 to $250 and more for your services**. 

Because When You Master Your Animal Communication Intuitive and Healing Skills, You'll Feel Fantastic, Confident, and Accurate Being the Bridge Between Animals and the People Who Love Them.

As a professional practitioner, improving your proficiency and adding unique skills to your animal talk toolkit means you can charge more for your services too.

Stronger intuitive abilities, more confidence, and better accuracy and proficiency means you can help a lot more animals!

If you've ever wanted to get a peek behind the scenes and discover what it's like to be an expert animal communicator with 30+ years of experience, Platinum Membership is where it's at.

With Val's intensive advanced training and coaching, you could quickly go from an amateur animal talking hobbyist to a professional that commands $75 to $100 to $250 and more for your services**. 

Are you qualified? Platinum Membership is for you if: 

  • You want to develop your animal communication skills to an advanced mastery level
  • You want to work one-on-one with Val Heart to improve your intuitive abilities
  • You are considering communicating with animals as a career
  • ​You have a deep desire to help heal and love animals everywhere
  • ​You want all of the hand holding, personal attention, and advanced Heart Wisdom Masterclasses so you can go deeper, farther, faster in this field 
  • ​You enjoy sharing your successes and learning from the achievements of others too
  • ​Optional: You've taken or are taking an advanced course or workshop and want help implementing what you're learning.

Here's what else you'll get:

The Art of ANIMAL

Your commitment to mastering your animal communication intuitive abilities isn’t just for you. It's so you can better meet their needs, help them when they are in pain, and enjoy amazing conversations with animals for the rest of your life!

It's time for The Art of ANIMAL COMMUNICATION MASTERY through better education, support, mentoring, experience, practice, and inner work.

There's So Much More To Communicating With Animals Then Just Talking

It’s not just about the actions you take, the tips or techniques, or how much you love the animals you encounter. If you’re not doing the inner work around intuitive clarity, conscious awareness and deep level communion, then you’ll derail your progress, both the communication and self-sabotage yourself at every turn.

Animals are highly intelligent, feeling, wise beings. When you know how to connect and communicate with them, they will help you be the best version of yourself.

Coaching with an Expert Makes ALL The Difference in How Quickly You Grow Your Abilities

This unique, educational, immersive program is for students at all levels who want to be able to communicate with any animal, anywhere, about anything, any time, and feel confident doing it!
As an Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club® Elite Platinum Member, you'll experience more: more results when you talk to animals, more connection, ease, flow, and fun, and more training, more awesome personal experiences and spiritual expansion, and for Gold and Platinum Members you'll also have more direct access to Val for private coaching, guidance and mentoring.

Val Heart is a leading expert on animal communication practicing professionally since 1993. She's the Founder of the HEART System for Solving Problems with Pets, The Heart School of Animal Communication, and the Heart Wisdom Method.

Join Now And Enjoy...

A spiritual, extraordinary healing journey...

A loving, compassionate, kind, supportive, nurturing experience to help you grow, heal, and evolve into your BEST self...

Brilliant Advanced Animal Communication Training Masterclass Series designed to expand your education, knowledge, inspire, and delight you...

This Heart Wisdom Masterclasses are chock full of high level of expert coaching and master level content that simply isn't available anywhere else. 

How will learning to be proficient with these important areas help you make a bigger difference with animals and become a better communicator?

IIf you're serious about being able to talk with animals and help them heal...

If you're serious about improving your practice and getting better results...

If you're serious about being successful as a professional practitioner...

Then this is for you!

Here is a small sample of the amazing techniques and training Platinum Members get in the Heart Wisdom Masterclasses: 

+ How to Use Animal Talk to Address and Resolve Animal Behavior Problems (Priceless for anyone with a badly behaved dog, horse, cat, and more! Knowing the right questions to ask in the right way and timing is critical to your success)

+ Often Missed Animal Communication Secret – Energy Transformation Tools (Understand the real keys to healing animals by working with advanced chakra balancing, spirit totems and guides, Wei Qi repair, time bending, shapeshifting, medical intuitive scanning, plus a wide variety of powerful, fast acting Heart Wisdom healing techniques that aren't available anywhere else)

+ Discover How to Work Safely With The Spirit World, Psychic Phenomena, Paranormal and Extrasensory "6th Sense" (An eye-opening experience that will help you better understand your own intuitive gifts, creating sacred space for your communication sessions, how to setup proper energy shielding so you're not drained, and how to deal with psychic attacks with Soul Repair)

​+ The #1 Energy Secret that Promotes Rapid Connection & Instant Information Transference Especially for Highly Sensitive Empaths (Hint: Balancing and Understanding the Human Animal BodyMind Connection Makes ALL a Huge difference for You and Your Pet)
  • Extraordinary Energy Healing Techniques, including the Energy Light Healing Portal, God's Healing Vault, Wei Qi Patch Healing, Healing Post Traumatic Shock, and much more (All of these healing techniques are in EXTREMELY high demand and very effective)
  • ​Advanced Energy Healing & Communication Through Chakra Balancing and Life Transformation Series (Life changing on all levels when you learn these extraordinary, state of the art healing techniques)
  • ​Healing with Medical Intuitive Scanning (An essential piece of your healing tool kit)
  • ​Easing Transitions, Coping with Pet Loss and Connecting in the Afterlife (Make this difficult time one of love and peace instead of tears and sorrow)
  • ​How to Communicate Effectively with Shelters, Rescues and Abused Animals (Because all of those animals are suffering and need your help)
  • ​Extrasensory Imagination and Creative Intelligence (Unleash your skills and explode your growth as an animal communicator)
  • ​Discover Your Power Totem Animals (PRICELESS for anyone who wants access to Divine Messengers, their wisdom and messages)
  • ​Exploring Time Travel to the Past and Future (Crazy? Not when you know how and can trust your intuitive abilities)
  • ​Favorite "Shapeshifting Technique" for Helping Scared, Fearful, Angry, Abused Animals who are Wary of Humans (For an animal in distress, this is worth the value of the entire membership because no other healing techniques can promote as much healing and love connection as quickly)
  • ​Working with Lost/Missing Animals (Everyone will be smiling when you help them get their pet back home safely)
  • ​New Masterclasses are taught every month, so if you have a specific topic you want to learn more about, tell Val and she'll create a Masterclass for you! 
  • ​​PLUS, you'll get Immediate Access to ALL the previous Heart Wisdom Masterclass recordings too! The Recordings are regularly $127 each - that's an insane value because there are years worth of extraordinary Heart Wisdom Masterclasses available on a wide variety of topics! You get them ALL for FREE when you become a Platinum Club Member and you can't find this level of training anywhere else.  

More Exciting Elite Platinum Club Member Benefits! 

Earn 1:1 Student Mastery Breakthrough Sessions With Val 

Studies have shown that students who are accountable grow much faster in developing their skills than those who aren’t.

As a reward for simply answering a series of questions every week for just 12 weeks in a row, you are eligible to receive a Live Student Mastery Breakthrough Laser Coaching Session with Val for Free (value $125). Gold and Platinum Members Only

Stress RX Guided Meditation

Being able to calm and center is important because when you're stressed out your pet is too. They feel your imbalance, pain, chaotic thoughts and worse. Then when you try to communicate from such a stressed space, you force the animal to react, shield themselves, or block you. Instead of meeting them where they are and being open to commune and converse, you won't be able to hear them properly either.

Use this powerful, 3 minute guided meditation when you need a “calm down cue” and de-stress, decompress, quickly rebalance, connect, tune in and feel refreshed before every session for improved results.

Your Pet Can Be In the Heart Love Spotlight as Our Featured Animal Teacher

We choose a new Featured Animal Teacher each month for all the students to enjoy practicing communicating with. It's a life changing experience for you and your pet.

What if YOUR pet was featured so that all your fellow students communicated with them? Enjoy the experience of learning more about who your pet really is. Gold and Platinum Members Only

Ongoing Training & Sign Up Bonuses

When you sign up, you'll get access to your Sign Up Bonuses (regularly $488 if you bought them separately, yours free with Platinum membership).

PLUS, every month you'll get a new online training covering a wide variety of important topics designed to be fun, easy to learn and explore on your own.

Enjoy the material and then apply what you’ve discovered.​ Practice with a fellow Club member and continue the discussion in the Forum and private Facebook Group. Choose animals from our Animal Teachers to practice with so you become proficient with what you're learning.

We'll keep everything safe for you in the cloud, so you won't lose anything or get behind and can enjoy learning at your own pace.

Live Monthly Q&A Coaching "Ask Val Anything" Calls Plus Replay Archives

You've got questions, it's time for answers. Each month you'll experience the power of a group communication, expert guidance and help with your pets, and grow more proficient at connecting faster, with more confidence and accuracy.

Learn as Val answers questions which each become a series of uniquely wonderful mini-trainings about intuition development, communicating with animals both in spirit and alive physically, and experience healing and new ways to use communication to solve behavior and health problems. This is a wonderful way to advance your intuitive abilities with on the spot training.

Did another student ask your question? Want to experience the power of a group communication with the Featured Animal Teacher? Review Val's expert guidance and insight into growing intuitive communication abilities? 

Find out how she solves behavior and health problems with animals?

Listen and learn from our most wonderful previously recorded Live Q&A Coaching Calls to inspire, entertain, educate and delight you (value priceless). Access the Q&A Recordings Vault for many more anytime you like. Gold and Platinum Members Only

Live Monthly Heart Wisdom Masterclasses Plus Immediate Access to the Vault Archives 

You're ready to evolve your skills and go much deeper into the fascinating world of animal wisdom, communication and healing. Each month you'll experience the brilliance of a new Masterclass on a uniquely different topic designed to train you in a wide variety of techniques, expand your education, and guide you to mastering your skills.

Learn as Val guides you into energy balancing, psychic development, proprietary techniques for healing, and so much more. This is a wonderful way to advance and master your communication and healing abilities with on the spot training.

Access the Masterclass Archive Recordings Vault anytime you like. Platinum Members Only

Intuition Development Lessons 

There are many fun and easy ways to develop your intuition. Inside your student account you’ll discover a fabulous series of intuitive development lessons you can do anywhere, anytime to expand your senses, access your inner knowing and boost your confidence.​ Included for free with your membership!

Bonus! Barometers Of Our Souls: Exploring the Mysteries of the Human-Animal BodyMind Connection Course

Deepen your understanding of our connection with animals and discover how they mirror and reflect your wounds, stress and illness. Regularly $97, yours free with Platinum Membership. 

Bonus! Paws Before Dying - Senior Pet Care Through The Golden Years and Into the Afterlife Course

Know exactly how to take care of your best friend as they age, giving them the love and support they need as the transition in the next phase of their journey. Regularly $197, yours free with Platinum Membership.

Simply Fill Out the Form Below) By taking advantage of this opportunity, I understand that my credit card will be billed the lowest rate of $97 per month until I cancel. And I'll be grandfathered in at this rate so even when the dues go up for new Platinum Members, I won't pay a dime more.

Pre-requisite: I confirm that I have taken (or am taking) a Beginning Course and am eager to be more proficient with my skills.

Please use the payment information below to cover my monthly membership dues.

I also understand there are no refunds on memberships, but that I can cancel any time via the phone at 805-PET-TALK or by emailing

I'm excited because when my payment is processed I'll have immediate access! 

Congratulations! You've made a great decision to become an Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Advanced and Professional Club® Member!

Your Platinum Club Membership is whole new way for you to take your intuitive skills to the next level, teaching you how to help and heal animals anywhere, anytime, and maybe even make a great career doing it! 

Prefer to use PayPal? Click the button, or, just fill out the form below and pay with credit or debit

Contact Information
If you have an existing student account please use the same email address. Do not use an AOL email because AOL blocks our emails.

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Especially for Smart Students and Professionals: (50% Off!): Once you’ve gotten your basics down, it's time to become competent communicating with animals in a wide variety of different situations and circumstances. You gotta get good at using and expanding your intuitive abilities. Good news. My approach to training students to improve your skills includes guidance on solving problems with pets, healing animals, improving behavior, easing transitions, and more. This course is normally $497, but if you add it to your order today, you get it for a rather splendid discount and save $248.50. Enjoy! :)

  • All payments are secured by 256-bit encryption

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Guaranteed               Information 

I understand there are no refunds for Club Membership dues because it is up to me to practice, access and use the trainings, bonuses, intuitive development lessons, and other extraordinary benefits that are provided as part of my Membership. I understand that my monthly membership dues will show on my statement as *Heart Communication Enterprises LLC. I can cancel at any time by giving notice a minimum of 3 business days prior to my next billing. If I have any questions I will simply contact or call 805-PET-TALK during business hours so I can get help. 

What Are Others Are Experiencing...

Deborah P.

Exactly what I need to keep me focused on my dream of being a professional animal communicator

"There is so much practical information in the Platinum Club that you can use immediately! Great guidance in the Live Coaching Calls and Masterclasses on everything we need to know - Val doesn't hold anything back.

Amazing meditations, trainings, I've gotten so many new insights, ideas, inspiration, Ah HA lightbulb moments... every single time.

I highly recommend this. It's perfect for anyone who loves animals and wants to learn their language AND if you want to go professional?

THIS is where it's at."

Stephanie B.

Superb! What a Profound Confidence Booster!

"I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for you, what you teach, your wisdom, your teaching abilities and your willingness to share your hard earned knowledge and experience with us.

When I started on this path not once did it cross my mind that your teachings would transcend the physical world and reach into my soul and brighten it too.

Your Club Membership and personal mentorship is truly incredible and such a blessing for all animal communicators willing to take the next step in their practice.

I can't believe I almost didn't do this - it's made such a huge difference in my life and with my abilities.” 

Nicoletta T.

My dream to communicate intuitively with animals is becoming a regular and exciting part of my daily life.

"I needed help to develop the necessary skills to telepathically communicate with animals, so I invested in the Beginning Course and joined the Animal Talk Coaching Club as a Gold Member.

What I found is so much more! I highly recommend this to everyone who genuinely wants to discover, and come into close contact with the inner world of animals.

The Courses and the Animal Talk Coaching Club join together theory with practice and training, and you can virtually share your experience with others who are on the same journey. For sure, it’s well worth it to do!"
Val is the Quintessential Leader In this Field! 

Val is so positive, vibrant, careful, open, and all about "connection". 

I've studied animal communication since the early '90s, and probably watched a ton of YouTube videos, and taken classes with many/most of the "top" contenders in this field. For me, Val is the quintessential leader in the field and I'm very happy to have linked into her programs. The Masterclasses, The Heart School of Animal Communication, the courses and the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club are all wonderful! 

With gratitude, I'm so glad I found this!"
 ~ Gracie Best

Questions? Contact Us

Heart Communication Enterprises LLC
1738 Donerail Street
San Antonio, TX 78248

Office hours Monday - Friday 10 - 4 pm

 © Heart Communications Enterprises LLC
The Heart School of Animal Communication®