Join the Best Online Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club® as a Silver Trial Member for just $2 for your first 14 days.

You get ALL this:

  • Monthly On-Going Trainings 
    New Trainings released every month to motivate, inspire, encourage and continue your education, and add to your animal talk student toolkit.

  • Community & Support 
    Need a little help with your pet? Have a question? Want someone to practice with?
  • Opportunities to Practice
    Practice communicating with a wide variety of well over 100 animals all over the world AND get feedback to improve your confidence, abilities and accuracy. You can also give feedback to your fellow students when they talk to your pets! 
  • Trial Bonus #1 
    Listen and learn from a powerful Q&A Coaching call recorded live!

    You'll enjoy the wonderful guided meditation, group communication exercise with the Featured Animal Teacher of the Month, and Val's expert, on the spot expert coaching. 
  • Intuitive Development 
    Improve your intuitive abilities with fun intuition development games and resources you can use anywhere, anytime to grow your skills. Feel the world come alive around you as you activate ALL your intuitive senses! 
  • Trial Bonus #2 
    Suffering from stress? Feeling overwhelmed? Having trouble settling enough to connect with animals? Wish you had a quick way to connect?
(Simply Fill Out the Form Below) I understand that when I sign up for just $2 I will be granted immediate access for 14 days for my Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Silver Club Trial Membership. 

I understand that on day 15 my credit card will be billed the lowest rate of $19.97 per month until I cancel. There are no long term commitments. Please use the payment information below to cover my monthly membership dues. I also understand there are no refunds on memberships, but that I can cancel any time via the phone at 805-PET-TALK or by emailing  
Beginning Core Foundations Course

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Order Summary
Dynamically Updated

ONE TIME OFFER: If you’ve ever felt walled off or that an animal didn’t want to talk to you, this wonderful course is for you. When you get stuck, it means you’re asking the wrong question, in the wrong time, in the wrong way. EVERY animal talk student needs to know how to facilitate a successful conversation with any animal, and especially what to do when you get stuck or the conversation goes “off the tracks”. Learn which are the right questions to ask and what NOT to ask if you want to get results. This course is a student favorite. Find out why now!

I understand there are no refunds for Club Membership dues because it is up to me to practice, access and use the trainings, bonuses, intuitive development lessons, and other extraordinary benefits that are provided as part of my Membership. I do recognize my investment in growing my intuitive abilities with animals because the dues will show on my statement as *WPY Heart Communication Enterprises LLC. I can cancel at any time by giving notice a minimum of 3 business days prior to my next billing. If I have any questions I will simply contact or call 805-PET-TALK during business hours so I can get help. terms and conditions
What Are Others Are Experiencing...

This is the BEST Thing I've Ever Done

Learning to see the world through the perspective of my animal friends made me realize what amazing things I was missing. There is a whole new level of communication through feelings and visualizations that I was completely unaware of, it's like learning a foreign language and being able to a whole new community of amazing and wonderful people. I love all of your courses and teaching style. Taking your courses and participating in the Animal Talk Coaching Club is the best thing I've ever done! Thank you - Joe C, Dallas, TX 

This Course Helped Me Hear Animal Voices!

I'm so excited! Now I can communicate with any animal, anytime, just like Val said! I talked to a rabbit, a cat and a horse. The rabbit told me why it preferred a certain spot and what life is like as a bunny.  The cat told me which food she preferred and why the old food was making her sick.  And the horse told me what kind of treats he liked most! This is a whole new world, I am amazed and delighted.  If you want to learn how to talk to animals, then get this now!

Val is the Quintessential Leader in this field

Dear Val - You are so positive, vibrant, careful, open, and all about "connection". Thank you so much! I've studied Animal Communication since the early 90's, and probably watched YouTube videos, taken classes with many/most of the "top" contenders in this field. I'm very happy to have linked into your programs. With Gratitude - Gracie B. 
Heart Communication Enterprises LLC
1738 Donerail Street
San Antonio, TX 78248

 © Heart Communications Enterprises LLC
The Heart School of Animal Communication®