Learn How To Solve Pet Behavior Problems! Get 8 Essential Advanced Skills Masterclasses PLUS 2 Bonus Classes on Solving Pet Behavior Problems Using Highly Effective Heart Wisdom Methods

Normally, our advanced skills training Masterclasses are reserved for Platinum Advanced & Professional Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club® members ONLY. These classes aren't available to outsiders. You won't find this level of training anywhere else, and, this is your only chance to get them. 

 Today Only - Just $77 with instant and lifetime access! 

Where did these trainings come from, and how are they different? 

Have you ever hired a professional communicator to help solve your pet's bad behavior but they failed to make any difference at all, or even made the problem worse?

Or maybe you're a professional communicator but you don't know how to solve bad behavior problems?

You think just telling them to stop doing that should be enough??

Yea... how's that worked out for you so far? 

Because I'm here to tell you that it is NOT enough.

You might get lucky and their behavior changes, but that's usually because the animal figures it out on their own.

They realize that what they've been doing isn't working, so they will try something else.

EVERY communicator needs to know how to solve problems with pets.

Sadly, that isn't the case with communicators who haven't trained with me or don't know the Heart Wisdom Methods.

It requires more competence, training, experience, and a great deal more expertise.

All too often I hear from new clients (or students) who have hired professional communicators to help them with a pet behavior problem.

But it doesn't help, nothing changes, or the problems get worse.

For instance, one of our students was experiencing serious bad dog behavior with 3 of her dogs.

She hired several well known professionals (not me!), who weren't helpful, and who left my student and her dogs in a heartbreaking situation.

It wound up costing the dogs their lives. 

That just breaks my heart.

If only those professionals had trained with me, they would have known the right way to talk to the dogs about their behavior, and how to help solve the problems.

What a difference it would have made.

Poorly trained communicators can do so much harm through ignorance.

Advancing your skills and training so you know better so you can do better and help more animals and the people who love them is what this is all about.

Animal's lives depend on your ability to help them, to listen to them, to know what to do and how to do it for the best results.

For professionals, and students who want to go pro, adding skills like this to your animal communication and healing "toolkit" helps you be more effective with your work (and you can charge more for your time too for providing such a valuable service). 

What are Heart Wisdom "Masterclasses"?

Masterclasses in the Heart Wisdom Methods are intensive deep dives into a specific topic, and are all about helping you build your confidence, expanding your knowledge and experience to improve your accuracy.

Here's what students say: 

Nita said: "Extremely privileged to be studying with Val...... since I started the journey (rather sporadically and unsuccessfully I may add) 5 years ago, she is the first teacher to emphasize that animal communication is not just that, but a spiritual journey to make us better people, to heal, evolve and grow... so she gives us the best possible resources and guides us personally every step of the way.

If only I had found my way here to train with Val earlier. No disrespect to anyone, but if only the 3 professional and well known communicators had actually TALKED to my misbehaving dogs the right way like Val teaches, what a difference it would have made. Thank you Val for your priceless teachings and saving so many lives....

I carried the trauma of the aggressive attacks and my dog's deaths for 2 years till one session with you resolved it. Eternally and deeply grateful Val. THANK YOU."

Penny said, "Wow! So much to be grateful for. So encouraging and uplifting to be with others who are on the same page when it comes to this skill and gifts we are developing.
 The Masterclasses have changed the way I do ALL my communication sessions. The depth and variety of the questions and training that Val presents have opened my mind to a much broader scope of communicating."

Right now you can advance your intuitive abilities and skills to be more effective in solving problems with animals for just $77 (that's just $7.70 each!)

​The Heart Wisdom Essential Advanced Skills Development Series on Solving Behavior Problems includes 8 of our student favorites combined including:

Your training begins with expert level techniques in solving and healing the fear of fireworks and storms. 

Too many animals die, lose their home, or are injured because nobody knew the right ways to help them not be afraid anymore.

They don't need drugs. They need answers to their questions and concerns, healing, and clarity about how to keep themselves safe. 

Inside this Heart Wisdom Method Masterclass you'll discover advanced training in how to facilitate these healing conversations, how to answer their questions and concerns so they can release their fears.

When you do this correctly, they can be calm and peaceful no matter what's going on in the sky for the rest of their life.
Part 1 of the Solving Behavior Problems series will teach you the advanced steps to solve even the most troublesome of problems. 

Every communicator encounters behavior problems at some point. If you've been trying to solve a behavior problem, and nothing is changing, it's most likely because you're making classic and critical mistakes. 

If you work with shelter, rescue or foster pets - or have adopted animals with behavior problems - then you need to know how to best to help them so they can find their forever home and be happy.

Because their fears and trauma, feelings of abandonment or rejection, and poor or bad training (or no training at all) could wind up costing them their home and their life.

With this class you'll know how to help them change so they can enjoy a happy life.
Now it's time to take what you've learned so far and learn how to apply more advanced techniques for solving behavior problems.

Their unique viewpoint makes perfect sense to them. Your job is to fully understand what their viewpoint is, because they won’t even consider changing until they feel understood and respected.

Communicating is the 1st step to solving any problem but you have to know the right questions to ask, in the right way and timing, and how to guide the conversation to get the best results. 

One of the trickiest parts of working with behavior problems is when the problem is actually coming from the human, and it's the human that must change their behavior.
You must be able to handle strong emotions or those feelings can block your success causing you to misinterpret messages through the filter of your own wounds (or your clients). 

This is a critical inner healing ability which is why I'm including this advanced training series on healing feelings in the solving behavior problems toolkit. 

When you're working to solve problems with animals, your feelings need to be crystal clear. Because if not then the upset feelings of the animal and their person can take you off track quickly. 

From the student’s feedback, THIS series of Masterclasses now rank in our all time top 10 of most powerful, important, and impactful trainings. 
One of the most frustrating problems communicators can experience is feeling overwhelmed with emotions, pain, and sensations.

As highly sensitive and empathic communicators, this can block your ability to communicate.  

If you can’t feel and be fully present with your own feelings, how can you feel anyone else’s feelings? 

What if it’s scary to feel? What if you’re in too much pain to feel? 

This extraordinary Heart Wisdom Masterclass is all about being fully present with the feelings so you know what to do, how to clear them out of your body, and how to heal yourself.

Then, you’ll carry this knowledge forward to help others who are in pain, and yes, that includes animals. 

If you are in pain then there’s not much inner space to help animals with their pain. 

You'll wind up improperly interpreting animal messages and be unable to help them with their problems too. 

Follow along as I gently guide a volunteer through one of my structured healing processes, and you’ll soon experience how it works for yourself!

Don't be surprised if the pains you've been struggling with disappear in the process. 
Part 4 in the Healing Feelings Series is about understanding your ego, psyche, the wounded child, and all the other inner parts in your consciousness.

Because this is where your blocks, limitations and stuck spots truly come from. 

You'll discover how to communicate with your inner parts to come into greater alignment and congruence.

When you're aligned, you're in harmony and in FLOW, and everything gets better. 

THIS training is a total game changer when it comes to doing your inner healing work, but very few people have a clue how to do this or that this level of work even exists!

You must be good at feeling feelings and following the energy flows with ALL your inner parts working with you not against you so you are congruent and alignment. 

When students tell me they feel stuck, aren't getting anything, or the animal's behavior won't change, they think they are failing, it's a case of their negative beliefs (mind talk) sabotaging them and they're making mistakes.

What you believe is what you project and what your ego works hard to "make true".

Where you focus your thoughts and energy is what you manifest, because energy follows thoughts, and thoughts are closely aligned with beliefs.

When it comes to solving problems with animals, if your negative beliefs (or your clients) are in the way, then it'll be much harder to change the pet's behavior. 

With this advanced training you will greatly improve your practice, confidence, and also reveal where you've been glossing over, ignoring, blocking, or missing animal messages entirely. 

One student shared: 

"After investing for years in learning techniques and tips for telepathic communication, I wish I had started with inner healing work, because all the techniques and tips in the world is not gonna help me if my thoughts and feelings aren't right."

BONUS #1: Solving Separation Anxiety Problems - Advanced Steps, Protocols, and Techniques

Solving separation anxiety behavior problems is an intensive experience and requires advanced skills, but with this training you'll discover that it's well worth the effort of learning what you don't know yet so you can get the best results possible. 

Dr Stephanie L Brown is an expert in solving separation anxiety problems. We partnered together to teach you what she's discovered in her years of working in this challenging area.

You need to know how to best RESOLVE the issues, the best approach, techniques and practices, that get the best results.

What if you don't have a pet that suffers from this problem? Good for you!

However, other's do struggle with this so it's time to ramp up your competence and proficiency by learning how to reverse the pain of separation anxiety and help them get relief.

For professionals and students who want to go pro, adding skills like this to your "toolkit" helps you be more effective with your work, and you can charge more for your time too.

BONUS #2: Overcome Fear of Fireworks, Thunder and Noise Phobias course

This wonderful course is where it all began in our training on Solving Fear of Fireworks, Storms and Noise Phobias.

In this unusual and fascinating course for animal talk students (and professional communicators), you are about to learn how I go about solving noise phobia problems with animals of all kinds. 

The symptoms may look the same, but the causes are unique and varied, and until you know where to look to solve the problem and bring peace to your stressed out pet, they are in danger.

I hate knowing an animal is living with fear. Fear itself takes a huge toll on their nervous system, their bodymind, their emotions and ultimately sabotages their immune system so they are more vulnerable to illness, pathogens and disease.

This is completely unnecessary, and is a plea for help. 

Learning how to help your pet overcome their fear of fireworks, storms/thunder and any kind of noise phobias is the kind, compassionate, BEST most loving, compassionate and kind thing you can do. 

Why am I practically giving you this treasure trove bundle filled with 8 PLUS 2 Bonus Advanced Skills Masterclasses for just $77? 

It's because I know firsthand how much of a difference knowing these advanced training techniques can make for you and in your practice.

And it's because if you enjoy these masterclasses like I think you will, then you will want more! 

If you do? I'll be delighted to show you how to get the rest of them in our Treasure Vault library.

You'll get immediate lifetime access to all 8 recorded live Heart Wisdom Masterclasses PLUS the 2 Bonuses, presented in a self study digital format including audio mp3 players and handouts, accessible on both desktop and mobile access via theLearnHowtoTalkToAnimals.com educational platform.

Today's a GREAT day to discover effective, tried and true, Heart Wisdom Method communication techniques so you can solve behavior problems and improve your intuitive skills.

[Simply Fill Out the Secure Order Form Below] By taking advantage of this opportunity to make just one payment of $77 (that comes to just $7.70 for each Advanced Skills Development Masterclass in the collection), I understand that my credit card will be billed as shown below. I can get help by calling 1-805-PET-TALK or by emailing support@valheart.com during business hours. 

I'm excited because when my payment is processed I'll have immediate lifetime access to all 8 Advanced Skills Masterclasses PLUS the 2 Bonus Masterclass. I can start learning today! 

Prerequisite: These Masterclasses are designed for animal communicators wanting to improve your intuitive and alternative healing abilities. By investing in this Toolkit you are verifying that you have taken (or are taking) a beginning communication course or workshop. If you have not done that yet, START HERE

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: Especially for Communicators and Healers (Regularly $997): If you want to improve your healing skills by learning unusually effective, powerful techniques not found anywhere else, now's your chance. You'll love our most popular Heart Wisdom Healing Masterclasses teaching you how to use over 20 healing techniques in these 8 classes. Good news. My approach to training students includes my proprietary techniques that are unusual, powerful, and very effective. And they work really fast too. The Healing Toolkit is normally $997, but if you add it to your order today, you get it for a rather splendid discount with 1 ridiculously low payment of just $77 with immediate and lifetime access. Enjoy!

I will dive into the Masterclasses, do the exercises and practice like Val will show me to improve my proficiency. I will recognize my purchase because it will show on my statement as *Heart Communication Enterprises LLC. I agree to the No Refunds on digital trainings policy because I am fully committed to improving my intuitive abilities and animal communication skills to get better results from my work. I understand the trainings are accessible on both desktop and mobile access via theLearnHowtoTalkToAnimals.com educational platform and that I'll have immediate and lifetime access. 

Expand Your Training, Accuracy, & Confidence

These wonderful, Heart Wisdom collection of Masterclasses will teach you how to help your pet feel better in so many ways, with easy to learn techniques, tried and true guidance from a true, leading expert. This is a great way to enhance your intuitive skills and healing abilities. 

Go Deeper Than Before

Animals need you to be their best friend, so when they are frightened, behave badly, get hurt, or are suffering, you will know how to ease their pain and restore well-being. You'll understand and interpret their messages properly and accurately. And you can access and use life force energy for the good of all concerned in these fun to learn, unusually powerful communication techniques. 

Advanced & Professional Communicators

This Advanced Skills Development Training Series is designed for intermediate to professional communicators. Beginners need to have completed a beginning course. Discover how to become more competent and proficient than ever before, so you can be there for the animals in all the ways that count the most. 

Top 3 Reasons to Get This NOW


 Get this unique collection of Heart Wisdom Advanced Skills Development Masterclasses for the no brainer 92% Off Flashsale investment price. Imagine how great it will feel to connect with animals easily, confidently, and competently. Yes, that's the #1 Reason to get this now. 


By owning this unique collection of Masterclasses now, you can save a lot of money, avoid making mistakes in your practice, and experience the joy of growing your intuitive healing and communication abilities. 


You GET how powerful inexpensive training from a world renowned, expert communicator and healing master is. Accessing Val's over 30 years of experience, expertise and advanced education will help you improve your intuitive abilities and make you a much more competent communicator.
Hi, I'm Val Heart. 

After a startling and spontaneous experience of a wounded horse talking to me and healing in a miraculous way, I started working professionally as an animal communicator. That was in 1993. 

I started my career thinking that talking to animals was enough, and it was hugely exciting too. So much fun!

But then I was asked to help with badly behaved animals, and their people were desperate for solutions. 

And I discovered that I didn't know enough to help them. 

So I set my intention to discover HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS, including health problems and yes, bad behavior issues.

Because no one ever taught me how to do this, I found myself enrolled in the school of hard knocks. 

I made mistakes in the beginning but I learned from each one and turned them into discoveries that improved my abilities to solve problems. 

I took all the discoveries and experiences and turned them into my HEART System for Solving Problems with Pets, a 5 step process that works with every animal, every time. 

It's my specialty, and is how I get such amazing results from this important work. 
Now I teach what I've learned because you know what?

YOU need to know how to do this too. 

Communicators need to be much better trained and educated. They can do so much harm through their ignorance.

It's one of the reasons I do what I do, training communicators to be better so they can help more animals.
Many pets who wind up in shelters or in abusive and rescue situations are there because nobody took the time to listen to them, to ask them questions, to understand their viewpoint, and to help them and their people solve problems.

This level of advanced skill development Masterclass training isn't available anywhere else.

For professionals and students who want to go pro, adding skills like this to your animal communication and healing "toolkit" helps you be more effective with your work (and you can charge more for your time too!). ;-)

It's about progressing to mastery and helping more animals.

You need to know how to avoid making mistakes, how to develop ALL your intuitive senses, and how to advance your skills so you can be proficient. 

Here's the thing: I don't teach animal communication the same as other teachers. 

Because I took the pioneer path to learn how to solve problems on my own with animals as my teachers and guides, I learned things other's don't know how to do. 

I've condensed a lifetime of animal communication experiences, healing therapies, techniques and advanced protocols, and created my own proprietary Heart Wisdom Methods.

Now I teach what I've discovered in what I call the Heart Wisdom Masterclasses to my best students. 

Other trainings, workshops and classes barely scratch the surface of what's possible.

Many miss the mark entirely by not teaching how to solve behavior or health problems, how to avoid making mistakes, or what to do if you make mistakes, how to recover and get back on track for best results. 

Nobody else focuses on teaching you how to heal yourself which is critical. Otherwise you'll misinterpret animal messages through the filter of your own wounds, block or gloss over their messages, or misunderstand entirely. 

And, nobody else teaches 12D Energy Hygiene practices for communicators and healers to keep your energy field clean so nothing can drain you, nasty energy can't attack you, and your lifeforce is vital and strong. 

Even if you have heard of some of the topics before, keep an open mind. What you will discover is that I teach it very differently than anyone else drawing from my unique viewpoint, many years of experience, and proprietary exact techniques to get the best results for you, your animals, and your clients.


What students say...

Barb Grout

Professional Animal Communicator and Healer

What an amazing class once again! I don't have to reinvent the wheel, trying to figure everything out on my own, and am grateful Val is so generous in sharing and teaching us to grow, expand, and, as she says, "become the best version of ourselves" as we develop our intuitive skills. ​
"Val, Barb texted me after the Masterclass today and made me laugh. She said, and I quote, "phew. Holy crap, that was amazing! This stuff really works!""

Pam said, "I think chakra work is an important missing piece for me with regard to not only growing my animal communication training and intuitive abilities, but my whole movement through life. Phew is right!"

Carol said, "SO much to understand, integrate and practice. The golden nugget for me was Val's coaching to Barb G. She said "The physical matter follows the energy. So if the energy is imbalanced or off or not functioning very well, it will show up as a physical problem." Profound Truth, I'm seeing the world of healing in a whole new light."

Klaudia said, "I almost didn't come to class today because I felt bad with a terrible headache. But by the end of class, the headache was completely GONE and I feel great! This stuff really works, I can't wait to try it with my kitties..." 
  • Val and all the animals are teaching us how to awaken and raise our consciousness. The Akashic Records are the compilation of every thought, emotion, deed, experience, belief of everything ever put out into the Field. This Field is a living breathing consciousness, created by consciousness... The more we wake up, the Lighter and more aware and powerful we are. Our intuition and healing capabilities knows no bounds. Yep! Huge, mind blowing stuff here... Profound sense of expansion."  
          by Pam Ferarese
  • Success Story! I've been working with a cat through animal communication and Reiki, but the cat keeps getting off kilter and out of balance. Nothing I'd tried so far has made much of a difference. The cat's mom and I were very worried about her. So, I decided to try doing a chakra meditation like Val taught us in class. I invited the cat to join me, she was happy to do that. Then I was guided to take her through one of the many wonderful chakra healing exercises with her. Today, her human was so happy! She said that it's obvious that her cat is feeling so much better. Amazing! I love this work."
          by Chigusa Sansen 
  • I learned that intentions are everything. Setting intentions to tune into your energy field and balance chakras by taking in what you need, the train ride to the colors of the rainbow was delightful. Balancing energy doesn't have to be heavy or overwhelming or difficult. I especially enjoyed the special drink of color and how I energized as I swallowed it. I felt lighter and more joyful, enveloped in the energy... I loved the simplicity and light energy of the whole experience."
          by Alicia Hamilton
  • "One afternoon after a serious ballet injury, I was healed enough to go shopping. But a zealous shopper in a rush rammed a large flat dolly smack into my right calf and broke my toe! That leg and toe have been dull achy, cranky, in pain ever since, for 10 years. BUT, at the end of our "Blueprint" exercise today, I realized that MY TOE IS HEALED. That wonky digit, grumpy and sensitive, was sitting there smiling up at me and wiggling freely in all directions, saying "I'm as good as the original toe" which of course, was part of the meditations purpose, to restore and uplevel the original blueprint for health. OMG! You cannot make this up, no one would believe you if you did!" 
          by Gracie Best

Want More? Seriously, these techniques are profound and life changing...

Jo Blankenship

Opening to a whole new world with abilities even "I" can do!

My biggest takeaway is that this medical intuitive scanning skill is really possible, and that it is one that even "I" can practice, develop further, and use with great results. This gives me yet another tool, or should I say "gift", that I can use to help people and animals.

I have a much deeper sense of expanded intuition and trust awakened within me. It's like a door, or maybe I could say "vault" opening to a world of possibility and greater understanding. I'm listening to the recordings over and over again, it's SO helpful. I highly recommend this. It's perfect for anyone who loves animals and wants to help them feel better fast. 

Sylvia Frank

I am so impressed by the content in these classes!

Healing is one of my favourite topics anyway, but there are so many deep insights here... and in every masterclass so far. The level of detail available at which we can perceive energetically, like good or bad bacteria, different types of lumps/ulcers, consistency of the blood, Wow. I did not believe this would be possible, but I am so inspired now that I'm aware of it and know how to do it. I always appreciate the thoughtful questions and comments too. They are a nice addition to Val's teachings, and help deepen and expand my understanding. These classes have helped me to have more self-confidence in myself and my abilities. They opened a door to a whole new world. The material is superb and very thorough. I highly recommend it.

Marybeth Haines

We have within us the most extraordinary, innate abilites to heal, we just need to awaken and use them.

Today's masterclass on time travel and past lives was a needed reminder of what all we have access to... we just sometimes forget that we have it!

We all have within us the keys, the tools to visit these aspects of ourselves and the Universal consciousness in order to heal, help, serve animals and humans and ourselves in so many wonderful ways. It's time to remember, to use our God given abilities, and it's the reminder that we can reawaken them within us. What a wonderful masterclass, thank you all for the wisdom shared today. This is great!

Questions? Contact Us

Heart Communication Enterprises LLC
1738 Donerail Street
San Antonio, TX 78248

Office hours are Monday through Friday 10 am to 4 pm Central

 © Heart Communications Enterprises LLC
The Heart School of Animal Communication®          LearnHowToTalkToAnimals.com