Experience the most comprehensive, down to earth, animal communication healing training available with the Animal Lover's Heart Wisdom Healing Toolkit. 

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​Imagine being able to ease your pet's (or friend's) pain on the spot? Help them feel better quickly? Improve their health and well-being? Assist them in recovering from abuse, accident, trauma or injury? Maybe even save their life? 

If you are a healer looking to improve your healing - and animal communication - abilities, keep reading... 

It's true! These powerful and uniquely effective Heart Wisdom Methods are especially designed for advanced and professional animal communicators to greatly expand your healing intuitive abilities and improve your communication skills with confidence and proficiency. 
What is the Heart Wisdom Healing Toolkit exactly?

The Healing Toolkit consists of 8 of our BEST Heart Wisdom Advanced Healing Masterclasses. These are student favorites so powerful, easy to learn and effective they will knock your socks off!

One student is a registered nurse who has worked in the healthcare industry most of her career said that these extraordinary healing techniques should be taught to all doctors, therapists, EMTs and nurses at all levels, because they are so powerful, fast acting, and highly effective. 

The Healing Toolkit is full of engaging, mind blowing, power packed, step by step, uniquely different alternative healing techniques on relieving pain, discomfort, and will even teach you how to help someone (or yourself) recover from Post Traumatic Shock.

Even though these are considered "advanced animal communicator" Masterclasses, they are suitable for animal talk students at all skill levels. 

If you would love to help animals (or people) heal and feel better quickly, then the Healing Toolkit is a brilliant way to develop your intuitive healing abilities. And yes, you'll also deepen and improve your ability to connect and communicate with animals. 

  • When an animal tells you they hurt, don't feel good, or are sick, wounded, abused or injured, you need to know how to help them FAST. This Healing Toolkit is designed with you and your pet in mind to take you deeper, farther, faster so you can develop more of your intuitive abilities, healing gifts, with accuracy, proficiency, and confidence."
Ready to discover how? Immediate access to the self study course so you can begin right away!  Sign up below


Hi, I'm Val Heart. I almost died when I was 3 years old from pneumonia because my doctor couldn't figure out what was wrong with me... I survived by a miracle. I went on to be a ballerina, athlete, gymnast, and all around tomboy. I broke my neck three times in a variety of bizarre injuries with horses, trampolines, trick water skiing and numerous car accidents. Suicidal and manically depressed by the time I was 15 years old, I made it to adulthood but was well on my way to being completely disabled by the time I was 35 years old because of debilitating, chronic pain.
Finding ways to heal myself when the doctors couldn't help me, then paying that forward to help others has become my life's mission and purpose.

I'm no longer in pain. In my 60's now, I'm definitely not disabled. How did I recover?

For over 40 years, I've studied with master healers, doctors, naturopaths, experts in various fields.

I've been certified in advanced BodyTalk Healing Systems for Pets and People. A graduate from the Lionheart Institute of Healing, I've also trained with neuromuscular mentors, quantum leap and bodymind assessment therapies, have been certified in Healing Genius soul and spirit repair, and learned anatomy, physiology and psychology including brain repair, how to neutralize harmful viruses, fungi and bacteria.

Discovering (and using) the missing links in healthcare is what my work is all about, and what I teach in the Heart Wisdom Masterclasses. 

The 8 Heart Wisdom Masterclasses inside your Toolkit are a wonderful collection of advanced healing techniques. I've created them and use them extensively with myself, my own pets, my clients and students. 

These Masterclasses are the best of the best, because not all healing techniques work well or as quickly. Many take a lot of time and repetition, and many miss the mark entirely leaving you or your pet with little or no help... and in some cases, worse off than before.
  • Our bodies are designed to heal and adapt quickly and easily, it's a survival thing. When they don't, something is stopping the healing. The physical body is a reflection of spirit vitality and soul strength energy, mirroring our thoughts and feelings. To effect true healing at all levels, we must first go deeper to restore and work with the source lifeforce energy, then the body can heal."
Ready to get started learning the Heart Wisdom Healing methods? Sign up below

​The Healing Toolkit includes 8 of our most popular, student favorite Heart Wisdom Healing Masterclasses for people and animals:

Have you ever wished you could research a soul's complete history? Like pulling a client's life journey folder, you can quickly find out what happened to them that's contributing to their illness, reveal hidden karma, past life pains and wounds...

Here's how: Access the Akashic Records in this unique method and you'll discover incredible information available for the asking. 
Chakras are the primary energy exchange controllers in the body.

Major and minor Chakras and Sub-Chakras must function properly or the body systems they support will degenerate and fail over time.

These brilliant, easy to learn advanced techniques can restore health and flow, ease pain, and are fun to do.
These 3 advanced healing techniques are simply amazing!

Discover how to repair and heal damaged or missing WeiQi on the spot in an instant.

Access the Healing Vault for unusual, special gifts from the Angels.

Rest, regenerate and recuperate in the Healing Sarcophagus while you take a nap. Wake refreshed, energized, feeling fine! 
Would it be wonderful to quickly scan a physical body for bone fractures, find the existence or location of tumors, discover hidden pockets of inflammation and track where pain is really coming from?

Your bodymind can be a walking talking MRI Medical Intuitive Scanner! Feel the magic of circulation, musculoskeletal structures and joints, organs, bones, glands, cells and more!
Now you know what Chakras are, let's go deeper into optimizing their function with new even more powerful balancing techniques.

You'll also discover the differences between animal chakras and human ones, because missing this one thing makes a big difference in your ability to improve their health. ease pain and well being. 
How can you heal the past if you don't know what actually happened, or you got stuck in old memories because of overwhelming regret, guilt, sorrow or shock?

Time travel isn't just the stuff of science fiction. This brilliant technique reveals the past (including past lives), the future, and illuminates the present in ways you never dreamed possible. Even better, you'll learn how to change things for the good, forever. 
Post Traumatic Shock Syndrome is a devastating condition that causes mental, emotional, spiritual and physical suffering.

The traditional approach requires years of therapy, but now you'll know how to release and clear it in minutes with these extraordinarily powerful, deceptively simple healing techniques. It works with people and animals to release all types of trauma. 
It's time for Advanced Healing with Chakras! The most powerful techniques of all, this exceptional Masterclass teaches you how to work with energy, shielding, clearing negative debris out of your field, quickly enhancing well being, ease, happiness, and so much more.

Called Life Healing and Transformation by my students and rightly so. 
How much more powerful and effective could you be in easing pain and suffering if you knew ALL these extraordinary healing techniques?

Who will you help feel better with your new healing abilities?

What miracles will you perform?

Don't wait! Start now. Anything can happen at any time. Be prepared and you'll know just what to do to help your loved ones feel better fast when they most need you. 

If you want to advance your abilities by adding effective, tried and true, superior healing techniques while expanding your intuitive animal communication skills, this is it! 

So, if you want to know how to ease pain and suffering for pets and people...

If you intend to help animals overcome their fears and bad behavior...

If you would love to help your pet feel better fast when they get hurt, have an accident, or get sick...

If you need to know the right questions to ask in the right way and timing for better, more successful, faster healing conversations with animals...

Finally, if being prepared with powerful healing tools in your toolkit that you can use at the drop of a hat to save someone's life is important to you... 

Begin now because anything can happen at any time, and this is what you've been looking for.

[Simply Fill Out the Secure Order Form Below] By taking advantage of this opportunity, I understand that my credit card will be billed as shown below. I also understand there are is a full 30 day guarantee on the Healing Toolkit and that I can get help or support at any time by calling 1-805-PET-TALK or by emailing support@valheart.com.

Prerequisite: These Heart Wisdom Masterclasses are designed for animal communicators wanting to improve your intuitive and alternative healing abilities. By investing in this Healing Toolkit you are verifying that you have taken (or are taking) a beginning communication course or workshop. If you have not done that yet, START HERE

I'm excited because when my payment is processed I'll have immediate access to ALL the Masterclasses included in the Healing Toolkit, and I can get started today!  
  • ​8 of our Best Heart Wisdom Healing Masterclasses
  • Enjoy this exclusive opportunity to advance and elevate your healing and communication abilities through Heart Wisdom healing techniques. New, uniquely powerful, tried and true techniques anyone can do, you'll also benefit from listening to Val's personal coaching, mentoring and guidance in the discussions.
  • New insights, tips and beyond the norm healing techniques created by Val, an expert, certified master healer.
  • This can make ALL THE DIFFERENCE in the world! Learning just one of these extraordinary techniques could save an animal’s life.
  • Each Heart Wisdom Masterclass is approximately 90 minutes of training, exploration, in an experiential immersive learning format. Digital audio mp3 format with handouts, online for immediate access. 
  • ​BONUS: Coping With Pet Loss
  • When an animal's purpose is complete, then it will be their time to transition. Discover loving ways to cope with loss, ease guilt and regrets, and process grief. This BONUS course is regularly $97, and is included FREE with your Healing Toolkit.
  • ​Guaranteed to Elevate Your Healing and Communication Abilities or Get Your Money Back
  • This is the way to advance your intuitive, communication and healing abilities. Discover over 20 effective, tried and true, superior healing techniques to have in your Toolkit.
  • Be ready! When they need your help the most, you'll know just what to do. 
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: The Heart Wisdom Healing Method and Val's expertise is a new and different way to improve your pets health, understand what they're feeling, and ease their suffering. Using a unique combination of the H.E.A.R.T. System for solving problems with pets, Quantum Leap assessment & energy balancing, intuitive medical scanning, BodyTalk System for Pets and People, Soul and Spirit Repair, and more. 45 minute phone session $395

I agree to the Heart School Guarantee. I will dive into the Masterclasses, do the exercises and practice like Val will show me to improve my proficiency, complete all of them, and if I am not delighted I can get a full refund within 30 days. I will recognize my purchase because it will show on my statement as *Heart Communication Enterprises LLC. If I have any questions I will simply contact support@valheart.com or call 805-PET-TALK during business hours so I can get help.
If you have an existing student account please use the same email address

Expand Your Training & Confidence

These wonderful, Heart Wisdom collection of Masterclasses will teach you how to help your pet feel better in so many ways, with easy to learn techniques, tried and true guidance from a true, leading expert. This is a great way to enhance your intuitive skills and healing abilities. 

Go Deeper Than Before

Animals need you to be their best friend, so when they are frightened, behave badly, hurt, or are suffering, you will know how to ease their pain and restore well-being.
Access and use life force energy for the good in these easy to learn, unusually powerful healing techniques. 

Suitable for Students At All Levels

The Healing Toolkit Masterclasses are suitable for ALL animal talk students at all levels and skills, from beginners to advanced to preparing to Go Pro to being a professional practitioner making this important work your career! Discover how to be there for them in all the ways that count the most. 

Our Promise

  • You have a full 30 days to explore the Animal Lovers Healing Toolkit. All you have to do is complete all the Masterclasses. If you don't agree that learning these intuitive healing skills will help you grow your communication and healing abilities, then let me know exactly what you've tried and what results you got within 30 days and I'll refund every penny of your investment. ​Email Support@ValHeart.com if you have any questions.

Top 3 Reasons to Get This NOW


 Get this unique collection of Heart Wisdom Healing Masterclasses now at the special rate. Imagine the look of amazement on your friends or animals face when you ease their suffering? Yes, that's the #1 Reason to get this now. 


By owning this unique collection of Masterclasses now, you can save a lot of money and experience the joy of growing your intuitive healing and communication abilities. 


You GET how powerful inexpensive training from a world renowned Healing Master is. Accessing Val's experience, expertise and advanced education will help you improve your intuitive abilities and make you a much more savvy, capable pet parent. 


What our students say...

Margaret Dexter

Reiki Master and Communicator

I have studied Akashic Records for at least 10 years, but today Val taught a completely new, different way to quickly connect to the field and how to use that information. I'd never thought to do it this way, and I've never heard of her unique techniques before either. So cool! I Love it! 

Martha Breeding

Professional Animal Communicator

WOWWWWWWW!!! I love that all of the past, present, future and all possibilities for the future are recorded in the Akashic Records. This has a huge potential to be really helpful for all souls in whatever body for incredibly healing. And now I know how to use it for the good for my clients too!

Barb Grout

Professional Animal Communicator and Healer

What an amazing class once again! I don't have to reinvent the wheel, trying to figure everything out on my own, and am grateful Val is so generous in sharing and teaching us to grow, expand, and, as she says, "become the best version of ourselves" as we develop our intuitive skills. ​
"Val, Barb texted me after the Masterclass today and made me laugh. She said, and I quote, "phew. Holy crap, that was amazing! This stuff really works!""

Pam said, "I think chakra work is an important missing piece for me with regard to not only growing my animal communication training and intuitive abilities, but my whole movement through life. Phew is right!"

Carol said, "SO much to understand, integrate and practice. The golden nugget for me was Val's coaching to Barb G. She said "The physical matter follows the energy. So if the energy is imbalanced or off or not functioning very well, it will show up as a physical problem." Profound Truth, I'm seeing the world of healing in a whole new light."

Gracie said, "I'm an old time ballerina, and I miss daily class and barre work. Interestingly, when I used the color chakra meditation, I felt like I'd been to ballet class! Every bone seemed to fit more properly in it's joint, each muscle felt rejuvenated. My posture was improved, my energy flowed. I'm delighted, and no, haven't tugged on the leotard and tights yet..."

Klaudia said, "I almost didn't come to class today because I felt bad with a terrible headache. But by the end of class, the headache was completely GONE and I feel great! This stuff really works, I can't wait to try it with my kitties..." 
  • Val and all the animals are teaching us how to awaken and raise our consciousness. The Akashic Records are the compilation of every thought, emotion, deed, experience, belief of everything ever put out into the Field. This Field is a living breathing consciousness, created by consciousness... The more we wake up, the Lighter and more aware and powerful we are. Our intuition and healing capabilities knows no bounds. Yep! Huge, mind blowing stuff here... Profound sense of expansion."  
          by Pam Ferarese
  • Success Story! I've been working with a cat through animal communication and Reiki, but the cat keeps getting off kilter and out of balance. Nothing I'd tried so far has made much of a difference. The cat's mom and I were very worried about her. So, I decided to try doing a chakra meditation like Val taught us in class. I invited the cat to join me, she was happy to do that. Then I was guided to take her through one of the many wonderful chakra healing exercises with her. Today, her human was so happy! She said that it's obvious that her cat is feeling so much better. Amazing! I love this work."
          by Chigusa Sansen 
  • I learned that intentions are everything. Setting intentions to tune into your energy field and balance chakras by taking in what you need, the train ride to the colors of the rainbow was delightful. Balancing energy doesn't have to be heavy or overwhelming or difficult. I especially enjoyed the special drink of color and how I energized as I swallowed it. I felt lighter and more joyful, enveloped in the energy... I loved the simplicity and light energy of the whole experience."
          by Alicia Hamilton
  • "One afternoon after a serious ballet injury, I was healed enough to go shopping. But a zealous shopper in a rush rammed a large flat dolly smack into my right calf and broke my toe! That leg and toe have been dull achy, cranky, in pain ever since, for 10 years. BUT, at the end of our "Blueprint" exercise today, I realized that MY TOE IS HEALED. That wonky digit, grumpy and sensitive, was sitting there smiling up at me and wiggling freely in all directions, saying "I'm as good as the original toe" which of course, was part of the meditations purpose, to restore and uplevel the original blueprint for health. OMG! You cannot make this up, no one would believe you if you did!" 
          by Gracie Best

Want More? Seriously, these healing techniques are profound and life changing...

Jo Blankenship

Opening to a whole new world with abilities even "I" can do!

My biggest takeaway is that this medical intuitive scanning skill is really possible, and that it is one that even "I" can practice, develop further, and use with great results. This gives me yet another tool, or should I say "gift", that I can use to help people and animals.

I have a much deeper sense of expanded intuition and trust awakened within me. It's like a door, or maybe I could say "vault" opening to a world of possibility and greater understanding. I'm listening to the recordings over and over again, it's SO helpful. I highly recommend this. It's perfect for anyone who loves animals and wants to help them feel better fast. 

Sylvia Frank

I am so impressed by the content in these classes!

Healing is one of my favourite topics anyway, but there are so many deep insights here... and in every masterclass so far. The level of detail available at which we can perceive energetically, like good or bad bacteria, different types of lumps/ulcers, consistency of the blood, Wow. I did not believe this would be possible, but I am so inspired now that I'm aware of it and know how to do it. I always appreciate the thoughtful questions and comments too. They are a nice addition to Val's teachings, and help deepen and expand my understanding. These classes have helped me to have more self-confidence in myself and my abilities. They opened a door to a whole new world. The material is superb and very thorough. I highly recommend it.

Marybeth Haines

We have within us the most extraordinary, innate abilites to heal, we just need to awaken and use them.

Today's masterclass on time travel and past lives was a needed reminder of what all we have access to... we just sometimes forget that we have it!

We all have within us the keys, the tools to visit these aspects of ourselves and the Universal consciousness in order to heal, help, serve animals and humans and ourselves in so many wonderful ways. It's time to remember, to use our God given abilities, and it's the reminder that we can reawaken them within us. What a wonderful masterclass, thank you all for the wisdom shared today. This is great!

Questions? Contact Us

We're here for you and your pet. Let us know what's on your mind, okay? 
Heart Communication Enterprises LLC
1738 Donerail Street
San Antonio, TX 78248

 © Heart Communications Enterprises LLC
The Heart School of Animal Communication          LearnHowToTalkToAnimals.com